Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday Wordage Wodehouse edition

Let us pause to give thanks to the universe for giving us P. G. Wodehouse.  We've had a long run of rainy, gloomy weather, and I was in a rainy, gloomy mood.  Wodehouse, like Mozart, can remind you of the existence of fairer weather.

George wandered down Shaftesbury Avenue feeling more depressed than ever. The sun had gone in for the time being, and the east wind was frolicking round him like a playful puppy, patting him with a cold paw, nuzzling his ankles, bounding away and bounding back again, and behaving generally as east winds do when they discover a victim who has come out without his spring overcoat. It was plain to George now that the sun and the wind were a couple of confidence tricksters working together as a team. The sun had disarmed him with specious promises and an air of cheery goodfellowship, and had delivered him into the hands of the wind, which was now going through him with the swift thoroughness of the professional hold-up artist.

--From A Damsel in Distress, later made into a movie musical, music by the Gershwins, the scene that gave rise to "A Foggy Day in London Town."

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